recursive dog enrique tomas
In 2007 after some experiences together in Medialab Prado and Ars Electronica, Dolo Piqueras, Emanuelle Mazza and Enrique Tomas started the project Recursive Dog.
Recursive Dog crew are expertises in free hardware and software tools for art production. In particular we are professors in Pure Data, Processing, Arduino and EMI (www.ultranoise.es/emi)
platforms. If you like experimental audiovisual instruments, you can taste it at an EMI workshop and became an electronic gypsy like us. You can find us in a pan european copyleft company that has the objetive of create floods of free electronic contents, including circuits,
recordings and other free culture. You can join us at every cornerand we will make more and more noise together.
Recursive Dog base its performance in generative art controlled by our self-made instruments. We use open source software and hardware like Arduino, Processing and Pure Data or Csound to
develop genetic structures that also depend on the sound activity produced by Recursive Dog or by the audience. We have developed our own platform to send info activity to different hardware
technologies like EMI Ics and Arduino + Processing.